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54 tipi di zucca che puoi coltivare nel tuo giardino

Squash è il nome comune di quattro specie del genere Cucurbita che rientra nella famiglia delle Cucurbitaceae. Le zucche sono originarie dell'America. Sono caratterizzati da fiori unisessuali, steli pelosi e un frutto carnoso con una buccia coriacea. La zucca è un tipo di falsa bacca chiamata pepo. Le zucche variano notevolmente in forme, dimensioni e colori.

Zucche estive e zucche invernali

Le zucche sono principalmente classificate in due tipi che sono zucche estive e zucche invernali. Si potrebbe pensare che siano stati nominati in base alla stagione in cui sono disponibili, ma in realtà entrambi i tipi sono disponibili tutto l'anno. Le zucche estive si chiamano così perché i loro frutti sono pronti per essere raccolti nei caldi mesi estivi, mentre i frutti delle zucche invernali non sono pronti per essere raccolti fino alla fine dell'estate.

Le zucche sono estremamente nutrienti con quantità significative di vitamina C, vitamina A, riboflavina, niacina e ferro. Tuttavia, con il loro aspetto, l'aroma e il gusto straordinariamente attraenti, offrono un'esperienza culinaria e visiva unica.

Tipi di zucca che puoi coltivare

Le zucche vengono coltivate molto comunemente nell'orto. Sono molto facili da coltivare. Prima di coltivare la zucca, dovresti avere una solida conoscenza dei tipi di zucca. Questo ti farebbe capire il tipo di zucca che hai e sarai in grado di preparare il tuo giardino di conseguenza.

Una volta che ti sei concentrato su un particolare tipo di zucca, assicurati di dare un'occhiata a questo post sui 50 migliori negozi online per l'acquisto di semi di zucca e zucca.

1. Zucchine

Le zucchine sono una zucca estiva che raggiunge un'altezza di circa 1 m. Le zucchine sono una cultivar di midollo che si trova in Irlanda e Gran Bretagna. È noto come midollo del bambino in Sud Africa. Le zucchine sono di colore verde chiaro o scuro. Le zucchine dorate sono un ibrido di colore arancione o giallo intenso. Le zucchine sono cotte come una verdura. Può essere utilizzato in numerose deliziose ricette.

Sono originari del Messico e dell'America centrale e vengono coltivati ​​in tutti gli Stati Uniti durante la stagione calda. Le zone di crescita delle zucchine vanno da 2 a 12. Richiede un terreno ricco di compost e ben drenato. Hanno bisogno di almeno 1 pollice di acqua a settimana. Il requisito di pH per la crescita ottimale di questa pianta è compreso tra 6,0 e 7,5. Preferisce crescere in aree che ricevono pieno sole. Le piante di zucchine hanno bisogno di almeno 1 pollice di acqua a settimana.

Poiché le zucchine amano il clima caldo, i semi dovrebbero essere piantati quando la temperatura del terreno è compresa tra 65 e 70 gradi. Nelle zone dove le temperature sono più calde vengono piantate due colture di zucchine, una in primavera e l'altra in autunno. Tuttavia, nelle regioni temperate (zona 6 o inferiore), le zucchine vengono piantate in estate (di solito a maggio).

2. Zucca Butternut

Il nome scientifico della Butternut Squash è Cucurbita moschata. È conosciuta come zucca butternut o gramma in Nuova Zelanda e Australia. È una zucca invernale che cresce sulle viti, crescendo fino a 15 piedi di lunghezza. La zucca butternut ha una buccia di colore giallo chiaro con polpa arancione. Quando è maturo, diventa di un colore arancione più intenso. Tecnicamente, la zucca butternut è un frutto ma viene cucinata in numerose ricette come una verdura come zuppe, torte, muffin, ecc.

Le zucche butternut sono ampiamente coltivate in Giappone, America tropicale e in alcuni distretti degli Stati Uniti. Sono abbastanza facili da coltivare. Poiché sono piante estive, dovrebbero essere piantate quando la temperatura del suolo è compresa tra 60 e 65 gradi a una profondità di 4 pollici. Richiedono terreno fertile e ben drenato, con un pH compreso tra 6,0 e 6,8. La zucca Butternut cresce meglio nelle aree che ricevono pieno sole.

Le piantine si congelano al minimo gelo, quindi la temperatura calda è estremamente cruciale.

3. Zucca Spaghetti

La zucca spaghetti è una zucca invernale originaria dell'America centrale e del Messico. Ha viti basse che hanno un portamento eretto e robusto. La pianta cresce fino a raggiungere un'altezza di circa 2 piedi e una larghezza di 3 piedi. Le zucchine spaghetti possono variare dal giallo marrone chiaro all'arancione. Sono stati chiamati così perché la polpa di queste zucche è come gli spaghetti.

Le zucchine spaghetti hanno bisogno di un terreno fertile e ben drenato per una crescita ottimale. La preferenza del pH del suolo è compresa tra 6,0 e 6,8. Richiedono un'esposizione in pieno sole per una crescita ottimale. Dovrebbero essere piantati dopo che è passato l'ultimo gelo. Il momento giusto per iniziare a seminare le zucchine Spaghetti è maggio. Queste zucche possono essere cucinate in vari modi e vengono utilizzate in numerose ricette.

4. Zucca Ghianda

La zucca di ghianda è anche conosciuta come zucca al pepe o zucca di Des Moines. È un tipo di zucca invernale con distintive creste longitudinali sulla sua superficie verde esterna e una ricca polpa di colore giallo-arancio. Le zucche di ghianda sono lunghe da quattro a sette pollici.

La zucca di ghianda è originaria dell'America centrale e settentrionale. I semi di zucca Acorn hanno bisogno di calore per la germinazione. Dovrebbero essere piantati quando la temperatura del suolo è salita ad almeno 60 gradi. Hanno bisogno di terreno molto ricco per la crescita. Dovrai fertilizzare regolarmente il terreno per ottenere la migliore crescita di queste zucche. Insieme all'esposizione in pieno sole, queste zucche necessitano di un pH del terreno compreso tra 5,5 e 6,8 per una crescita ottimale.

La zucca di ghianda viene consumata principalmente al forno, ma può anche essere saltata in padella, al vapore o al microonde. Viene utilizzato in numerose ricette salate.

5. Zucca Delicata

La zucca delicata, come indica il nome, è una delicata varietà di zucca originaria dell'America centrale e settentrionale. È una pianta di vite; pertanto, richiede molto spazio per crescere. La zucca delicata ha la buccia color crema con strisce di colore verde o arancione. La polpa di questa zucca è di colore giallo pallido. Di solito è lungo 6 pollici e largo 3 pollici. Ha un sapore molto simile alla patata dolce. In effetti, a volte viene chiamata zucca di patate dolci o zucca di arachidi.

Come altre varietà di zucca, la zucca Delicata cresce meglio quando fa caldo. Secondo il Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti, queste zucche rientrano nelle zone di rusticità da 8 a 10. I semi delle zucche Delicata dovrebbero essere piantati quando il terreno si è riscaldato a una temperatura di almeno 65-70 gradi. Se i semi vengono piantati troppo presto quando il clima non è abbastanza caldo, i semi marcirebbero e il gelo provocherebbe il congelamento delle piantine.

Questi tipi di zucca hanno bisogno di un terreno fertile e drenante per crescere che sia adeguatamente umido. A differenza di altre varietà di zucca discusse sopra, hanno bisogno di un luogo riparato per crescere poiché non possono resistere a forti venti.

La zucca delicata viene consumata principalmente al forno, ma può anche essere cotta al vapore o saltata in padella. Questa zucca è utilizzata in molte ricette per il suo sapore dolce.

Clicca qui per acquistare i semi di zucca Delicata su Amazon.

Letture aggiuntive:Come coltivare la zucca delicata

6. Zucca Ranuncolo

La zucca ranuncolo è una zucca invernale dal sapore dolce, da cui il nome ranuncolo. Si chiamano zucche a turbante per la presenza di un cappuccio sulla parte superiore. Ha una buccia spessa di colore verde con polpa di colore arancione intenso. La zucca ranuncolo è solitamente lunga 6 pollici e larga 4 pollici. Questa varietà di zucca è originaria del Nord America. Il frutto va su lunghe viti lunghe circa 24 pollici. La zucca di ranuncolo matura è un frutto bicolore con buccia di colore verde-grigiastro e polpa di colore arancione.

Queste zucche crescono bene in terreni fertili, sciolti e ben drenati, con un pH compreso tra 5,5 e 6,5. Ha bisogno di un terreno ricco di sostanza organica. Preferisce crescere in luoghi dove l'esposizione al sole è piena. Quando si piantano i semi, dovrebbero essere piantati da quattro a cinque semi in un unico tumulo. Dopo che le piantine sono state prodotte, quelle più deboli vengono rimosse allo scopo di sfoltire la crescita.

Dal momento che la polpa della zucca ranuncolo ha un sapore dolce, è una varietà popolare utilizzata in molti piatti diversi.

Fai clic qui per acquistare la zucca Buttercup su Gurneys.

Leggi di più:Come coltivare la zucca ranuncolo

7. Zucca Pattypan

La zucca Pattypan è anche conosciuta come zucca Sunburst, zucca capesante, zucca pulsante e zucca bianca. Sono un tipo di zucca estiva. È una zucca cimelio dei nativi americani. Hanno avuto origine fino a 10.000 anni fa in Messico. Si trovano nelle varietà verdi, gialle e bianche. Sono di piccole dimensioni e hanno una forma simile a quella di un disco volante. Crescono su viti che si estendono fino a circa 4-6 piedi.

Crescono meglio in terreni ricchi e ben drenati, in pieno sole. Sono piantati in un gruppo di due o tre semi piantati a circa 2 o 3 piedi di distanza. La zucca Pattypan è utilizzata in numerose ricette e viene utilizzata anche come contenitore decorativo per alcuni cibi.

8. Zucca Chayote

Il nome scientifico della zucca Chayote è Sechium edule ed è anche comunemente nota come zucca mirliton. Viene coltivato in molti stati degli Stati Uniti tra cui Florida, California, Louisiana e in tutta l'Asia orientale e meridionale. È originario dell'America Latina.

È una vite perenne che ha un'abitudine di crescita diffusa, il che significa che richiede molto spazio per diffondersi. Il frutto è di colore da verde pallido a bianco ed è a forma di pera. I rampicanti possono crescere fino a 50 piedi.

La zucca Chayote ha bisogno di un terreno ben drenato che abbia un'adeguata umidità trattenuta per la migliore crescita. Richiede pieno sole. Tuttavia, può crescere anche in mezz'ombra, ma la resa sarà inferiore. Il pH del terreno dovrebbe essere compreso tra 6,0 e 6,8

Il chayote dovrebbe essere piantato quando l'ultimo gelo è passato e il terreno si è riscaldato ad almeno 65 gradi. Dà una crescita ottimale in estate, quando la temperatura è calda nelle regioni tropicali o subtropicali come la California, la Florida e la costa del Golfo.

Il chayote viene utilizzato principalmente cotto leggermente per mantenerne la croccantezza. La zucca Chayote cruda viene utilizzata anche nelle insalate, ma questo uso non è molto comune. Hanno anche una certa importanza medicinale in quanto hanno proprietà antinfiammatorie, diuretiche e cardiovascolari.

9. Gemma Zucca

La zucca gemma è un tipo di zucca estiva che è stata addomesticata da due varietà selvatiche di zucche che sono; Cucurbita Texana (originaria degli Stati Uniti meridionali e centrali) e Cucurbita fraterna (originaria del Messico). È un piccolo frutto di colore verde scuro, con polpa di colore giallo-verde. È così duro che non può essere consumato crudo o mezzo cotto.

La zucca gemma occupa molto spazio nel sito in crescita mentre le sue viti si allargano. Non tollerano il gelo e dovrebbero essere piantati quando l'ultimo gelo è passato e il terreno si è riscaldato notevolmente. Richiede un terreno fertile, ricco e ben drenato. Richiedono un'esposizione in pieno sole per la crescita, altrimenti marciranno.

La zucca gemma viene servita come verdura bollita o al forno in Sud Africa. Vengono cotti dopo essere stati tagliati a metà a causa della loro buccia dura.

10. Zucca Kuri Rossa

La zucca rossa di Kuri è una zucca invernale ampiamente coltivata in California, Colorado sudoccidentale, Florida, Tonga, Messico, Giappone, Tasmania, Cile, Sudafrica, Nuova Zelanda e Provenza. È simile a una piccola zucca in apparenza, solo senza creste. È una zucca di colore arancione brillante che ha un sapore molto delicato simile alla castagna. La polpa è di colore giallo brillante.

È anche conosciuta come zucca Hokkaido arancione, zucca giapponese, zucca baby hubbard e zucca Uchiki kuri. In Giappone, la parola kuri può riferirsi alla zucca o alle castagne giapponesi. Inoltre, si chiama potimarron in Francia, e onion squash nel Regno Unito.

La pianta può raggiungere un'altezza da 8 a 16 pollici. Preferiscono crescere in terreni ricchi e ben drenati e in aree che hanno una piena esposizione al sole. È molto sensibile al gelo e dovresti assicurarti che l'ultimo gelo sia passato prima di piantarli. Amano il calore e quindi dovrebbero essere piantati quando le temperature sono abbastanza calde.

Le zucche kuri rosse sono altamente nutrienti. Sono utilizzati in una serie di ricette tra cui zuppe, casseruole e stufati.

11. Zucca Banana

La zucca di banana è una varietà di zucca invernale che ha l'aspetto di una grande banana. Possono crescere molto grandi, con una dimensione media di circa 60-91 cm di lunghezza e 10-22 cm di larghezza. Sono cilindrici e di forma leggermente ricurva. Le zucche di banana sono originarie del Sud America. Fin dalla sua introduzione, le zucche di banana sono più popolari negli stati occidentali del Nord America. La zucca banana rosa è anche chiamata Plymouth Rock o banana messicana.

Le quash di salmone possono essere blu, rosa salmone, gialle o variegate a seconda della varietà con polpa arancione soda.

La zucca banana ha bisogno di molto spazio per crescere. Cresce su viti che possono diffondersi fino a una larghezza di circa 12-15 piedi. Richiedono un terreno ricco e fertile che si sia notevolmente riscaldato a circa 65 gradi. L'esposizione al sole dovrebbe essere completa per la massima crescita delle zucche banana.

La zucca banana ha principalmente usi culinari. Si mangiano al vapore, al forno, alla griglia, arrostiti, al forno o fritti. Di solito vengono affettati o tagliati a rondelle oa cubetti e aggiunti a stufati e zuppe.

Puoi acquistare i semi di zucca Banana su Amazon.

12. Zucca Carnevale

La zucca di carnevale è una zucca di ghianda colorata. La pelle esterna di una zucca di carnevale è lentigginosa di verde, giallo, oro e bianco. È così attraente e accattivante nell'aspetto che viene utilizzato per scopi decorativi. Tuttavia, le zucche di carnevale non vengono utilizzate solo per le decorazioni. Il loro gusto migliora con la conservazione, il che rende un'ottima zucca da utilizzare in una varietà di ricette.

Sono zucche amanti dell'estate e come altre varietà di zucca, dovrebbero essere piantate quando è passato l'ultimo gelo della stagione. I semi dovrebbero essere piantati in un terreno caldo che abbia una temperatura di almeno 70 gradi. Richiedono un terreno ben curato, ben irrigato e fertile per la massima crescita.

Una zucca di carnevale matura ha una buccia molto dura, così tanto che puoi dire che è completamente matura quando non puoi pungerla con l'unghia.

Puoi acquistare semi di zucca Carnival su Amazon.

13. Zucca Patidou

La zucca Patidou è più comunemente conosciuta come la zucca gnocco dolce. È una varietà invernale più piccola di zucca. Cresce fino a una media di 4 pollici di diametro. La buccia della zucca dolce è solitamente bianca con macchie gialle, verdi e arancioni. I lobi audaci, cavi e smerlati formano la superficie esterna di queste zucche. La polpa è di colore arancione e di consistenza piuttosto liscia.

Le zucchine dolci sono zucche a crescita vigorosa che si diffondono rapidamente. Le viti delle zucche gnocchi dolci non sono lunghe come altre varietà. Hanno bisogno di un terreno ben drenato e ricco con umidità moderata.

Poiché amano il clima caldo, possono essere coltivate in un clima desertico tropicale, subtropicale, temperato e mediterraneo. Possono essere coltivati ​​in regioni nelle zone rustiche 4 o più. Il fabbisogno idrico è nella media. However, they need full sun for best growth.

You can buy Patidou seeds on Amazon.

14. Turban Squash

Turban squash, or Turk’s turban, or French turban (Giraumon) is one of the most attractive of all squashes. They are brightly colored fruits that are found in different colors. Their lower bodies are usually a single color, orange or reddish-orange while the upper turban or the upper body is beige with streaks in dark green and reddish-orange colors. Other common names of this squash are Turk’s cap and Mexican Hat.

Turban squashes are Heirloom. As much as they look like something from outer space, they actually originated in Central and North America. They are mostly used for ornamental purposes, owing to their remarkable colors and shape. However, they also taste wonderful hence they are also used in numerous recipes.

These plants should be grown in full sun. They also require a very rich soil that should also be well-drained. For the best growth of Turban squashes, the soil needs to be treated with fertilizer regularly. They require a lot of maintenance, with regular watering. The soil has to be kept moist but not wet. If they are not watered adequately, the fruit may ripen prematurely.

You can buy Turban squash seeds on Amazon.

Read more:How to grow turban squash

15. Kabocha Squash

Kabocha squash is a Japanese variety of winter squashes. In Japan, Kabocha could mean this squash, a western pumpkin, or any other squash. They are similar to pumpkins in shape. They have a hard, knobbly looking skin that has a dull finish. The skin is dark green in color with celadon-to-white stripes. The flesh of kabocha squash is an intense shade of yellow-orange.

Kabocha squashes are primarily grown in South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Hawaii, Florida, California, Mexico, Tongo, Southwestern Colorado, Tasmania, New Zealand, Jamaica, Chile, and South Africa.

They need full sun exposure for growth. The garden should receive at least 6 hours of sunlight during the day. They grow best in fertile, well-drained soil. They need to be watered once a week. They will rot if waterlogging occurs, therefore the soil should be well-drained and not too wet. The soil pH should be 6.0 to 6.5.

Kabocha squashes are sweeter than the butternut squashes. The texture of the flesh is similar to a pumpkin and sweet potato. Kabocha is more commonly used in recipes of side dishes like soups.

You can buy Kabocha squash seeds on Amazon.

Read more:How to Grow Kabocha Squash

16. Round Zucchini

Round zucchini is a zucchini variety that is unusually shaped. Unlike the elongated zucchini, a round zucchini is fairly small and round in size. It has a richer and sweeter taste compared to its elongated cousin. They are quite easy to grow. The round zucchini has a dark green colored skin with pale yellow flesh.

These squashes require rich, fertile, and well-drained soil for optimum growth. The soil should be moderately moist. The fruits taste best when they are still very small. Moreover, plucking young fruits promotes continued production. They grow in warm weather, therefore, the seeds should be planted in late spring.

Round zucchini can be used in salad or it can be baked or stir-fried. It works great for stuffed zucchini recipes because of its round shape.

You can buy Round zucchini seeds on Amazon.

17. Yellow Summer Squash

Yellow summer squash is a summer variety that is bright yellow in color. Unlike winter squashes, the yellow summer squashes do not spread vigorously. They are bushy plants that produce fruit within 7 weeks of planting. They are easy to grow. The best thing about these squashes is that the more you pluck them out, the more fruit they will produce.

They come in various shapes and sizes and all of them taste best when they are young and tender. Like all other squashes, these squashes are summer loving. The seeds should be planted when the last frost has passed and the soil has become warmer. Yellow summer squashes require full sun, rich, and consistently moist soil for best growth.

They are used mostly for culinary purposes.

You can buy Yellow summer squash seeds on Amazon.

18. Cousa Squash

Cousa squash is a summer squash variety that is similar to zucchini in taste. It has a light green colored skin. They require a very fertile soil that is rich in compost and manure. The soil should be well-watered. The seeds of Cousa squash should be planted in warmer seasons when the temperature of the soil is at least 70 degrees.

It is used just like zucchini. Its origin lies in the Middle East. It is very popular in Syrian and Lebanese recipes.

You can buy Cousa squash seeds on Amazon.

19. Tromboncino Squash

Other common names of Tromboncino squash are zucchetta rampicante, climbing crookneck, climbing zucchini, serpentine squash, trombetta, and trombolino d'albenga. It is used as a summer squash most often. However, it has a vining growth habit which is unlike other summer squashes and very much like winter squashes.

Trombincino squash is an heirloom that originally belongs to Liguria but is still popular all over Italy and other parts of the world.

The color of the fruit is pale green which fades to beige when the fruit matures. It is plucked from the plant when it is one foot long. However, if left to grow further, they can grow o become as big as 3 feet long. These squashes are used in many recipes.

They are not winter-hardy and grow best in warm weather. They need full sun exposure for maximum growth. Seeds should be sowed when the soil is warm. The ideal pH for their growth is 6.0 to 6.8.

You can buy Tromboncino squash seeds on Amazon.

20. Zephyr Squash

Zephyr squash is one of a kind squash. It carries genes of delicate, acorn, and crookneck species. A zephyr squash is a cross between yellow crookneck species and a hybrid of yellow Acorn squash and Delicata squash. Its neck is crooked to about 5 to 8 inches. It is pale green at the blossom end and yellow at the stem end. Faint white lines run longitudinally across its length.

It has an open habit of growth. Like all other varieties of squashes, a Zephyr squash is also a warm season hybrid. The seeds should be sowed when the climate and the temperature of the soil are warm. They need regular fertilizing and watering for best growth. Once the fruit is produced, it should be harvested a few times during the week.

Zephyr squashes can be used raw or cooked. You can eat it boiled, sautéed, steamed, or fried (pan-fried or deep-fried).

You can buy Zephyr squash seeds on Amazon.

21. Ambercup Squash

Ambercup squash is closely related to buttercup squash. You can call these two squashes relatives. It is quite small in size, resembling a small pumpkin. It has an orange colored skin and an even brighter orange-colored flesh. Tan blotches can be seen on its surface along with slightly indented ribs.

Ambercup squashes can grow to about 20cm in width and 12.5cm in height. These squashes grow on vines and spread rapidly.

They are mostly eaten fried. Ambercup squashes have an amazing texture and taste, having no stringiness. The sweet and mild flavor and the gorgeous color make it a popular type of edible squash.

Being closely related to buttercup squashes, its growth requirements and maintenance is also similar to that of buttercup squash.

22. Crookneck Squash

A Crookneck squash is a summer squash variety that does not grow long, spreading vines. It is a bushy plant with leaves as wide as 1 to 2 feet wide. It has an upright growth habit. The fruit sets at the base of the plant. It has a sweet, buttery taste that makes it a popular type of squash for various dishes. The fruit is usually 4 to 6 inches in length and 1 to 2 inches in diameter. The skin is bright yellow color and the flesh is cream in color and bumpy in texture.

Bring a summer loving squash variety, they are found commonly in regions that have long and warm summers.

Crookneck squash requires at least 6 to 8 hours of full sun exposure. There, they should be planted in sunny areas. Although it does not take up a lot of ground space, the broad leaves are enough to take up as much space as 3 to 4 feet. It requires a rich soil that should be treated with plenty of compost when planting.

You can buy Crookneck squash seeds on Amazon.

23. Calabaza Pumpkin

Calabaza pumpkin is a winter squash. It is also known as calabassa or the West Indian Pumpkin. It is most commonly grown in tropical America, West Indies, and the Philippines. In Florida, Philippines, and Puerto Rico, Calabaza is a common name for Curcubita moschata. Curcubita moschata is known as ayote in Central America, auyama in Dominican Republic, zapaito in South America, and Calabash or squash in all English-speaking islands.

The word calabaza has been derived from melon (kharbuz) which is a Persian word. The French term is calabasse. Hence the English word, calabash.

This plant has long vines which can grow to become as long as 15m. The fruit may be oblate, oval, obovate, spheroid, or elliptic. The color of the rind varies from dark green to light orange when it starts to mature. The flesh is green-yellow or orange in color.

Calabaza pumpkin requires very fertile soil to grow. The soil should be fertilized and treated with compost prior to planting. Like other winter squash varieties, it requires full sun exposure for maximum growth.

Calabaza pumpkin can be used in various recipes like soups, cakes, and even candies because of its smooth and sweet taste.

You can buy Calabaza pumpkin seeds on Amazon.

Click here to buy Calabaza pumpkin seeds on Amazon.

24. Waltham Butternut Squash

Waltham butternut squash is a winter squash. It is butternut squash with a more profound taste, improved uniformity, and better yields. The plant spreads to about 48 to 60 inches. Waltham butternut squash fruit is typically 12 to 15 inches long, weighing around 6 pounds. The outer skin is usually a pale orange color with a bright orange colored flesh.

Waltham butternut squash needs full sun exposure for maximum growth. The soil should be rich and very fertile. Moreover, the seeds should be planted when the climate is warmer and the temperature of the soil is also high. Since squashes take up a lot of nutrients from the soil, they should be planted in areas where o squash varieties have been grown for at least 2 years.

Waltham butternut squash is used in many recipes such as soups, pies, muffins, casseroles, and bread.

You can buy Waltham butternut squash seeds on Amazon.

Read more:When and How to Harvest Butternut Squash

25. Cocozelle Squash

Cocozelle squash is a summer squash. It is an Italian heirloom. The fruit is light green in color with dark green stripes. Cocozelle squash has a pleasant nutty flavor that makes it a commonly used culinary squash. It is perfect for steaming, frying, canning, and freezing. The size of the fruit is usually 5 to 7 inches. It falls in hardiness zones of 3 to 11.

It requires warm to hot temperatures to grow. The seeds should be planted when there are no chances of any more frost. The soil temperature should be 70 degrees when the seeds are planted. The Cocozelle squash should be planted in areas that receive at least 6 hours of direct, hot sunlight. Cocozelle squashes are heavy feeders hence they require a very rich and fertile soil for best growth.

They have a spreading growth habit, therefore, they take up a lot of space and are not suitable for small gardens.

You can buy Cocozelle squash seeds on Amazon.

26. Luffa Squash

Loofah sponge that you use at home comes from none other than the Luffa squash. Luffa is also known as Loofah or loofah. It refers to two species of gourd:Luffa aegyptiaca and Luffa cyclindrica. It is quite popular in China and Vietnam.

Luffa aegyptiaca is also called angled luffa, Chinese Okra, ridged luffa, or vegetable gourd). Luffa cylindrica is also known as smooth luffa, dishrag gourd, Egyptian luffa, or gourd loofa. Angled luffa has ridges that run along the entire length while smooth luffa has a round profile.

Luffa species have a vining growth habit that grows vigorously. They are considered cousins of squashes.

They prefer growing in moist, but well-drained soil, in areas that receive full sun. the soil should be rich in compost and manure. They are not suitable for small gardens because of their rapidly growing long vines.

The luffa squash has green skin with spongy, light-brown colored interior. They are used to make sponges and loofahs. Dried fiber from luffa can also be used to make table mats, filters, sandals, and similar other products.

You can buy Luffa squash seeds on Amazon.

27. Table Queen Squash

Table Queen squash is an heirloom acorn squash that has a dark green rind and a yellow colored flesh. The flesh turns orange upon storage. The skin of the fruit is ribbed. Table queen squash fruit is usually 6 inches long.

Table Queen squash has a vining growth habit. It grows to a height of 10 to 12 inches and can spread 48 to 60 inches wide. Like all other varieties of squash that have been discussed, these squashes also need warm weather to grow. They need full sun exposure for the best growth, along with highly fertile soil. They are heavy feeders hence soil has to be rich in compost and manure. The best area to plant these squashes is where no other squash varieties have been grown for at least 2 years.

Table Queen squash has a sweet taste that makes it a common squash used in culinary.

You can buy Table Queen squash seeds on Amazon.

28. Tatuma Squash

Tatuma squash, also known as Tatume squash of White Mexican Squash is a popular Mexican variety. It looks like zucchini but its sweeter in taste and fairly larger. The skin is dark green in color with even darker longitudinal stripes running along its length. It may be round or oblong. The flesh of Tatuma squash is whiter than that of Zucchini.

Tatuma squash requires a rich soil that is rich in compost, well-rotted manure, or fertilizer. Full sun exposure is required for the growth of these squashes.

Tatuma squash is one of the most popular squash varieties that are used in Mexican dishes.

You can buy Tatuma squash seeds on WestWind Seeds and Gardenscapes.

Click here to buy Tatauma squash seeds on West Wind Seeds.

29. Straightneck Squash

Straightneck squash is a variety of Yellow Summer squash. They bear yellow colored fruits that have a tapered neck.

The Straightneck squashes prefer a soil that is rich in humus and is well-drained. The pH range of the soil that is suitable for the growth of Straightneck squash is 6.0 to 6.5. They require plenty of sunlight for growth and thrive best in areas that receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight every day.

The seeds of Straightneck squash would not germinate if the temperature of the soil is lower than 60 degrees. They are summer loving squashes and hence they need warmer temperatures o grow. The soil should be kept moist but not too wet until the germination of seeds occurs. They are high maintenance squashes that need to be watered twice a week.

They have a subtle taste. They can be eaten raw or cooked. It can be sliced and layered in lasagna or can be added into salads. It is a versatile fruit that can be used in any way you like.

You can buy Straightneck squash seeds on Amazon

30. Eight Ball Squash

Eight Ball squash is a type of round zucchini. It has a glossy, smooth outer skin that is deep-forest green in color. The flesh of this squash is creamy white, having light green hues. The seeds are almost negligible. It has a very sweet, buttery taste that becomes more profound with cooking. The size of the fruits is 3 to 4 inches. The smaller ones taste the best!

They are a summer specialty. They require full sun for best growth. The seeds should be sowed when the temperature of the climate and the soil has turned warmer. A warm temperature is necessary for the germination of seeds. The soil should be fertile and well-drained. Eight Ball Squash needs a moist soil but a soil that is too wet may cause the seeds to rot.

This variety has been quite popular in Europe but it has become a successful commercial variety that is being sold in the United States.

It is a highly versatile variety that can be used raw, cooked, baked, stuffed, or steamed!

You can buy Eight Ball squash seeds on Amazon

31. Blue Banana Squash

Blue Banana squash varieties are shaped like a banana, only a lot larger. They have a slate-blue colored rind, having lighter colored stripes with deep orange flesh on the inside. The fruits are a large size, usually 20 inches long. The fruits are sweet in taste.

Blue Banana squashes can be traced back to Peru, from where they were traded all over America. Like all squashes, this variety also requires a full sun exposure for growth. The soil should be warm enough. The seeds should be planted after the danger of frost has completely passed. The soil should be fertile and well-drained.

These squashes are perfect for making purees for pies and soups, for baking, frying, and roasting.

You can buy Blue Banana squash seeds on Amazon.

32. Green Hubbard Squash

Green Hubbard squash is a winter squash variety. It is also known as a Green Pumpkin, owing to its green colored outer skin and a sweet taste like that of a pumpkin. Green Hubbard squashes are huge in size and can weigh as much as 50 pounds. Their outer skin is extremely hard which makes it suitable to be stored for up to 6 months.

Green Hubbard squashes are highly nutritious and wonderful in taste. The flesh is extremely sweet in taste and is used to make delicious pies!

It has its origins in South America or the West Indies. They require full, warm sun for the best growth. The soil should be rich and very well-drained. It needs an area that has plenty of open space because its vines grow long. Throughout the duration when you are growing this squash, you will need to keep the soil moisture consistent otherwise the seeds will dry out and die.

You can buy Green Hubbard squash seeds on Amazon

33. Green-Striped Cushaw Squash

Green-Striped Cushaw squash is a winter squash that is native to the tropics of the United States. It is grown in southern and southwestern United States. The skin of these squashes is white-green, having mottled green colored stripes. The flesh of Green-Striped Cushaw is light yellow in color.

Since this heirloom squash hails from the Caribbean, it can tolerate humid conditions well. This squash needs a very specific pH range for the best growth. The pH range is 6.0 to 7.5. if the soil does not have this pH, it should be amended. The soil should be fertile and moist. Seeds should be sowed when the temperature of the soil is at least 60 degrees.

It has a mild, sweet taste that makes it suitable to be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

You can buy Green-Striped Cushaw squash seeds on Amazon.

34. Romanesco Squash

Romanesco squash is an Italian heirloom squash. It is a type of summer squash. It is distinguished by a bulbous blossom end. The fruit has ridges on its surfaces. The outer skin is dark green in color with a pale colored inner flesh.

Being a squash, the growth requirements are similar to other squash varieties. The seeds should be planted when the soil temperatures are about 70 degrees. The soil has to be consistently moist and fertile for the best growth results. The sun exposure has to be pronounced because these squashes, like all other, are summer loving that grow best in warm climates.

The flesh of Romanesco squash is creamy and has a sweet, nutty flavor that makes it suitable to be eaten raw or cooked. It is used in a number of different recipes that are delicious and mouth-watering!

You can buy Romanesco squash seeds on Amazon.

35. Moranga Squash

Moranga squash is a traditional squash from Brazil. It is also known as the Pink Pumpkin. The color of these squashes ranges from pink to salmon. The flesh is orange in color.

The Moranga squash requires full sun exposure, fertile, and well-drained soil for optimal growth. If the soil is not fertile enough, fertilizer should be added to ensure the plant gets enough nutrients to yield the best fruits.

This squash is a preferred squash type for a number of Brazilian dishes. it can be stored for long periods of time. Moreover, because of their pretty appearance, they make a popular decorative squash as well.

Moranga squash seeds are rare and quite hard to find. You can get them at Rareseeds.

36. Raven Zucchini

Raven zucchini is a bushy plant that does not spread vigorously all around the garden. These squashes are cylindrical in shape and are dark green in color. Their outer skin is glossy and smooth. The flesh is tender and pale.

Raven zucchini can be planted when the weather has turned warm with day and night temperatures at least 50 degrees. The need full sun and warm climate to grow. The soil should be fertile, moist, and well-drained. The soil should be fertilized and amended with compost before the seeds are sowed.

The Raven zucchini lose taste as they grow in size, therefore, they should be harvested when young (not more than 5 inches long). They are delicious in taste and can be eaten raw, grilled, steamed. They are scrumptious, no matter how you eat them.

You can buy Raven zucchini squash seeds on Amazon.

37. Astia Squash

Astia squash is a French bush variety of zucchini. It has been developed to be grown in small space gardens and containers. The vines of these plants are compact and have high ornamental value owing to its silvery-green leaves.

The fruit is deep green in color on the outer surface. The skin is extremely smooth and glossy. Astia squash has excellent flavor.

Astia squashes are planted in fairly warm weather, after ensuring that the soil is warmed up to allow seed germination. When planting in containers, good, fertile soil should be used to sow seeds. The containers should be placed in an area that receives full sun. Moreover, the plants should be watered with caution because if the soil becomes too moist, the seeds will rot.

With a delicious taste, these squashes taste amazing when grilled, baked, steamed, or sautéed. They can be roasted or even topped on pizza.

You can buy Astia squash seeds on Amazon.

38. Caserta Squash

Caserta squash is a summer squash variety. It is a bush type plant rather than spreading vine type. Caserta squashes are about 16 inches in length. They are gray-green in color, having dark green stripes running across the length.

They are easy to grow and easy to maintain types of squashes. The seeds are to be planted in warm soil when the temperature is about 70 degrees. They are heavy feeders, which means that the soil should be highly fertile. If the soil quality is poor, it needs to amended and fertilized. They require regular watering.

Caserta quashes are very flavorful. They are extremely popular in Italy where they are used in numerous recipes.

You can buy Caserta squash seeds on Amazon.

39. Ash Gourd Pumpkin

Ash Gourd Pumpkin is more commonly known as Wax Gourd. Other common names are White Gourd, Ash Gourd, Ash Pumpkin, Chinese Preserving Melon, and Winter Melon. It has a very large fruit that can grow to be as big as 80cm in length. A mature Ash Gourd has a very smooth, waxy outer skin hence the name Wax Gourd. The skin is dark green in color while pale flesh, which is usually bland in taste.

It is native to Southeast and South Asia. It is thought to have originated in Japan and Java.

Ash Gourd requires well-drained, loamy, and sandy soil for best growth. It prefers growing in warmer climates. They are mostly found growing in furrows or riverbeds. They need constant watering during their growing season.

Ash Gourd is widely used as a vegetable all over Asia. It is cooked in a variety of ways, as a part of many recipes. Not just culinary uses, Ash Gourd also have medicinal importance in the Ayurveda System of Medicine.

You can buy Ash Gourd Pumpkin seeds on Amazon.

40. White Custard Squash

White Custard Squash is a type of Patty pan Squash. It is a bush type squash that produces flat fruits having scalloped edges. The color of the fruits is creamy white. The white is very delicate. The flesh tastes very fine.

Grow them in containers and pots, as well as in the garden. They need a very fertile soil so make sure to feed the soil with lots of compost and fertilizer before sowing seeds. The right place to grow these squashes is a place that receives full sun. These squashes, like others in the same class, grow best in warm weather.

These squashes can be roasted on the grill whole or sliced. Either way, they taste delicious.

You can buy White Custard squash seeds on Kings Seeds

Click here to buy White Custard Squash seeds on Kings Seeds.

41. Tennessee Sweet Potato Squash

Tennessee Sweet Potato a pear-shaped squash that has a taste similar to that of sweet potato. The fruit is pale green in color with dark green colored stripes. The flesh is also pale in color. Some people say it is sweet in taste which makes it perfect for pies, while others argue that their taste is more on the bitter side.

Unlike all other squash varieties that we have discussed above, these squashes grow well in cooler climates. It has been observed that when the weather becomes cooler, the productivity of these squashes sis greatly increased. As for the soil type, they are heavy feeders and they require a rich, fertile soil that is significant quantities of compost.

Being similar in taste to sweet potatoes, they are used to make pies. It is more commonly used for decorative purposes.

You can buy Tennessee Sweet Potato squash seeds on Seed Savers Exchange. Click here to buy.

42. Shishigatani Squash

Shishigatani squash is also known as Toonas Makino Pumpkin. It is native to Japan but even there, it is very hard to find. It produces bottle-shaped fruits that have a dark green to green-blue colored rind that fades to tan when the fruit is fully mature. The rind is warty and ribbed. The flesh is pale.

These squashes can grow to be 8 inches long. The taste of these squashes is not very delicious yet they are quite famous in Kyoto, Japan and are commonly seen displayed outside restaurants and in supermarkets. It is used as an ornamental fruit because of its unique shape. It is also used for medicinal purposes.

You can buy Shisigatani squash seeds on Amazon.

43. Indian Tinda Squash

Tinda squash is native to India and is a very popular squash used in curries in Indian and Pakistani cuisines. It is also known by names of Indian squash, Indian Round Gourd, Round Melon, Indian Baby Pumpkin, and Apple Gourd. It is green in color, having a size similar to that of an apple. Tinda squash plant grows vigorously and starts to produce fruit in just 70 days after planting.

It tastes bland. Not many people like it. However, it is cooked in curries with plenty of spices in India and Pakistan.

They are easy to grow. They require a rich, fertile, and well-drained soil. Adding a lot of compost can also improve the growth of these squashes. It grows best when the temperature is warm, especially in sub-tropical and tropical conditions.

You can buy Tinda squash seeds on Amazon.

44. White Cushaw Squash

White Cushaw Squash is also known as Jonathan Pumpkin. It produces a white colored fruit with faint green lines that are quite big in size. the fruit can weigh as much as 20 pounds. The skin of these squashes is very smooth, so much that they appear to be glowing.

Their flesh is not very tasty. It is more on the bland side. However, they are very often used for decorative purposes.

These squashes are easy to grow and maintain. If they get the right warm temperature and well-drained soil, they can perform pretty well.

You can buy White Cushaw squash seeds on Amazon.

45. Autumn Delight Squash

Autumn Delight Squash is an acorn with larger sized fruit and better resistance o powdery mildew. It has dark green skin and light orange colored flesh. The fruit usually weighs around 1 to 2 pounds. Autumn Delight squashes are bush type plants that do not have long growing vines, making them suitable to be planted in small gardens.

You can buy Autumn Delight squash seeds on Amazon.

46. Golden Cushaw

Golden Cushaw is a winter squash variety. It is a type of Butternut squash. The fruit is golden-orange or yellow-golden in color that is usually 12 to 20 pounds in weight. The fruit is usually thick and U-shaped.

Golden Cushaw has a vining growth habit and therefore it needs a lot of space to grow. It grows best in warm weather, in soil that is fertile and well-drained. It can grow well in neutral and mildly acidic soil with a pH in range 6.1 to 7.5.

The flesh of Golden Cushaw is sweet and therefore is widely used in numerous recipes. It is also used for decorative purposes.

Click here to buy Autumn Delight squash seeds on KCB Samen.

47. Lunga Di Napoli Squash

Lunga Di Napoli is a variety of squashes that produces huge, dark green colored fruits. It is winter squash type that grows long vines. The flesh tastes sweet and is used in stews, soups, salads, and sweets!

It grows best in warm climates when the soil temperature is raised. The soil should be fertile, well-drained, and moist. Before sowing seeds, the soil should be treated with compost to ensure the soil is suitable for the growth of these squashes. When temperatures are fairly dry as in droughts, they need regular irrigation.

48. Table King Squash

Table King Squash is an winter acorn variety. They produce fruits that have a smooth, glossy, dark green colored skin and a light orange flesh. The flesh is dry, dense, and extremely flavorful.

They are bush type plant, making them suitable to be grown in small gardens. Table King Squashes grow best in loose, well-drained, rich, and fertile soil. The ideal pH for their maximum growth is 5.5 to 6.5. They require full sun exposure for best growth.

These squashes can be stored for a very long time. They are used for culinary purposes. Table King Squashes make great Thanksgiving gifts!

You can buy Table King Squashes seeds on Amazon.

Now that you know all there is to know about the types of squashes that you can grow, we hope you have a great, successful squash growing experience! Don't forget to check out our guide about 73 varieties of pumpkin too!

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